Packaging Digest Highlights Ancient Harvest™ Redesign

Packaging Digest sat down with Constance Roark, MS RDN, Director of Marketing for Ancient Harvest™, to discuss the expanded product portfolio as well as the packaging redesign and website revamp. To see the full conversation, visit
Spring 2014 Food Trends
Just like everything else, the things we eat (and how we eat them) are susceptible to trends. The year 2013 saw a rise in raw foods, seaweed and (our personal favorite) quinoa; in fact, it was even declared the International Year of Quinoa. And while 2014 is sure to have some surprises in store, it […]
Ancient Harvest™ Received 2014 Clean Choice Award

Every year the Clean Eating Clean Choice Awards honors the Top 100 Cleanest Packaged Goods across a multitude of categories. Ancient Harvest™ Inca Red Quinoa was one of the ten products in the “Pantry Staple” category to win this prestigious award. For more information, check out this clip from Clean Eating.
Ancient Harvest™ Voted Cleanest Packaged Food of 2014 by Prevention Magazine

In their March 2014 issue, Prevention Magazine voted Ancient Harvest™ Quinoa Polenta as one of the Top 100 Cleanest Packaged Foods. For more information, check out
Ancient Harvest Expands Offerings with Flavorful New Product Lines
New Mac & Cheese and Culinary Ancient Grains Revealed for 2014 Boulder, Colo. – (Jan. 19, 2014) – Ancient Harvest, the first brand to bring quinoa to the United States in the 1980s, will introduce new Mac & Cheese and Culinary Ancient Grains lines for 2014. These new products join the existing portfolio of high-quality, […]
Ancient Harvest™ Voted Best Gluten-Free Pasta by Bon Appétit Magazine

Ancient Harvest Supergrain™ Spaghetti Pasta won the award for best gluten-free pasta by Bon Appétit Magazine. To see the complete results, check out
Ancient Harvest Unveils Refreshed Brand at Natural Products Expo East
New Packaging and Website Modernizes Iconic Quinoa Brand Boulder, Colo. – (Sept. 20, 2013) – Ancient Harvest, the first brand to bring quinoa to the United States in the 1980s, is providing a sneak peek of the company’s brand evolution this week at Expo East. The refreshed packaging and completely revamped website, which will be […]
Ancient Harvest Voted Prevention Magazine Cleanest Packaged Goods of 2013
In their May 2013 issue, Prevention Magazine voted Ancient Harvest Supergrain® Spaghetti and Mac & Cheese two of the year’s cleanest packaged goods. For more information, check out