Why Llamas?

You may see their silly little faces pop up on our Facebook page or enjoy the whimsical shape of our kid-friendly Supergrain Mac & Cheese™, but found yourself wondering: why llamas?

Well, let us explain.


The llama happens to be a huge part of daily Andean life. It provides everything from food to a popular mode of transportation. Plus, llamas are an important part of the growing and harvesting of Royal Bolivian Quinoa (which is, in our educated opinion, the best quinoa in the world).

Llamas (whose relatives include camels and alpacas) are well adapted to the altitude and climate found in remote parts of the Andes such as Bolivia, where Ancient Harvest quinoa is grown. Llamas make ideal farming companions because they are able to easily climb the rocky terrain, and they can help carry heavy supplies. Local initiatives, such as the Andean Valley Quinoa Suppliers Program, promote keeping llamas in the area so they can help fertilize the crops and remain an ancient part of a modern process.


In contemporary Bolivian culture, the llama is revered. Llamas are especially prominent at celebrations honoring the pivotal moments in a person’s life.

For these reasons and more, we like to let llamas in on our fun. If you took a tour of the Ancient Harvest offices today, you’d undoubtedly see a stuffed llama or two hanging around. We even like to give them away as prizes, so that our fans may take home a part of our family. And then there is of course our Supergrain Mac & Cheese™ Mild Cheddar with Llamas, known to delight and satisfy even the pickiest of eaters.

Learn more about our organic, gluten-free mac & cheese as well as other delicious products at AncientHarvest.com – and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for other fun facts and photos of our favorite furry friends.

