How Do You Use Ancient Harvest Polenta?

We want to make our products even better for you, so please answer the questionnaire below and enter your email for the chance to win a few Ancient Harvest goodies! Create your own user feedback survey Get the recipe for this Cheesy Polenta Bowl with Chipotle Chicken and Roasted Red Peppers for a delicious weeknight […]

Summer Party Inspired Polenta Roundup

Our Ancient Harvest Non-GMO Polenta is incredibly versatile and gluten-free, making it the perfect go-to for summer potlucks and barbecues. We love to serve it as both sweet and savory appetizers on a colorful platter for everyone to try. Here are a few of our bite-size favorites for summer hosting and party-going: Grilled Polenta Tostada with […]

Our Polenta is Non-GMO Project Verified

Our Polenta is Non-GMO Project Verified

A little while ago we made the exciting announcement that Ancient Harvest received Non-GMO Project verification for a variety of our products, and in our mission to continuously improve our products and foster a transparent, trustworthy relationship with our customers, we have extended our verification to our entire line of Polentas. For us, this step is important because corn is […]

Grilled Polenta Tostada with Bean and Avocado Ceviche

Grilled Polenta Tostada with Bean and Avocado Ceviche

Crispy grilled polenta is the perfect base for a black bean and avocado ceviche, and this quick-and-easy appetizer is a delicious recipe to whip up for guests! Try using any of our 5 ready-made polenta flavors to make this savory snack at home. Polenta Tostada with Bean and Avocado Ceviche 1 tube Ancient Harvest™ Gluten-Free Traditional […]