Our Polenta is Non-GMO Project Verified

Our Polenta is Non-GMO Project Verified

nongmo polenta non-gmo project verified

A little while ago we made the exciting announcement that Ancient Harvest received Non-GMO Project verification for a variety of our products, and in our mission to continuously improve our products and foster a transparent, trustworthy relationship with our customers, we have extended our verification to our entire line of Polentas. For us, this step is important because corn is one of the crops that is considered high risk of having a presence of GMOs. In 2011, approximately 88% of corn crops were not verified non-GMO. Although our polenta products have always been certified organic, we are excited to now add the Non-GMO certification as well.

High-Risk Crops that are currently in commercial production, along with the ingredients derived from these crops, must be tested every time prior to use in Non-GMO Project Verified products. That means our non-GMO verified polenta products are submitted to ongoing testing to detect all major GMO risk ingredients including facility inspections and an annual audit to ensure we’re meeting the highest possible standards for GMO avoidance.

For more information on the Non-GMO Project, visit their official website – and for more information on any of our Non-GMO Project Verified products (which includes all of our gluten-free corn and quinoa Supergrain Pastas; all of our organic quinoa grains, quinoa flour and quinoa flakes; and four flavors of our new hot cereals – all easy to identify by the butterfly logo) visit AncientHarvest.com.
