Protein Packed Pasta That Dares To Be Different

Protein Packed Pasta That Dares To Be Different

protein pasta gluten free

When we think spring—we think pasta. Doesn’t everyone? Though it may not be your first thought when planning a meal for these longer days, it is definitely a great one to consider because of how time-efficient it can be, not to mention the protein packed options Ancient Harvest™ is dishing up this season.

Keep your eye out for some not-so-typical ways to prepare a protein pasta dish this season. And in the meantime, check out these recipes from Ancient Harvest that will get your tummies and taste buds inspired.

Thai Peanut Macaroni Salad with Black Bean & Quinoa Supergrain Pasta™ Elbows

Spring Penne Salad with Lemon and Thyme

1 Pot Gluten-Free Pasta with Shrimp

Baked Pasta with Cauliflower Sauce
