
Ancient Harvest

Introducing Ancient Harvest POW!™ Pasta with Protein

When you think of a meal that’s high in protein, a giant bowl of pasta is probably the furthest thing from your mind. Well, it’s time to think again because Ancient Harvest is reinventing pasta… with protein-packed POW! Pasta. Last year, we launched gluten-free Bean & Quinoa and Lentil & Quinoa pasta noodles that not […]

Gouda Spinach Breakfast Pasta Hash

Gouda Spinach Breakfast Pasta Hash

We’ve been breaking the breakfast rules for quite some time, eating breakfast for dinner and making waffles at all hours of the day. Well, now it’s time to throw caution to the wind and abandon the confines of dinnertime pasta with this veggie-filled breakfast. When your gluten-free pasta noodles are also packed with 21g of protein […]

Simple and Nutritious Switches

It’s a weekday morning and you’re up before the sunrise sipping your coffee and catching up on the news before the kids are up. As the sun begins to peak through, you realize you have to get breakfast started,  and you’re also thinking about what on earth you’re going to make for dinner that night. […]