Cocoa Quinoa Chili

Cocoa Quinoa Chili

Put a large pot over the stove and toss in tomatoes, corn and beans. As the sauce simmers, the warm smell of garlic and spices fill the kitchen. Add a drizzle of sweet honey, and don’t forget the hearty Ancient Harvest™ Quinoa to take the nutrition of your homemade chili up a notch. Serve with a dollop of […]

Plant-Powered Breakfast

Photo by @FitFoodieFinds It’s 6 a.m., you have just a little bit of “me” time before the kiddos are up and at ‘em, and you’re in need of some power foods to tackle this day head on and with all of your energy. What do you turn to? Ancient grains of course! They are packed […]

Protein Packed Green Power Smoothie

When the alarm goes off in the morning, are you instantly awake or do you find yourself hitting the snooze button on repeat? If it takes a while for your body to get moving in the morning, chances are you’re not getting enough necessary nutrition or eating foods that love you back. With plant protein, essential […]

Creating Craveable Meals with Quinoa

If you’re like us, then you probably keep an emergency reserve of quinoa in your pantry for those times you want to make a hearty yet wholesome meal. It’s simple to add the complete protein of quinoa to just about any meal, and believe us, you’re going to want to dip into that stock once you see […]

Single Serve Baked Apple Pie Quinoa

Single Serve Baked Apple Pie Quinoa

Sweet, homemade apple pie fresh out of the oven – is there anything better? What if that apple pie was filled with the filling fiber and satisfying complete protein found in Ancient Harvest™ Quinoa? That nutritiously sweet combination sounds like a slice of ancient grain heaven. This Single-Serve Baked Apple Pie Quinoa recipe, which makes […]